Let me explain this process, just one quick "FYI". Today's excerpts come from experts' bits that my assistant and I saw in our daily investigations online. Hey, the information we found today will be of great interest to those who love posts has tons of info in our favorite scientific arenas.
Amazingly enough, there is even more -- believe it or not -- to share on our primary site. So if you'd love better detailed content, then click this little link: Narrow material.
Okay, let's get started:
Good day my dearcolleague, Roger Howard here, your commercial fabrics guy. My team and I are ready to deliver to you a great textiles article with you.
As always, if you prefer to watch videos, that's no problem! I'm building a list of relevant videos that will give a bit more depth and insight to commercial fabric manufacturing processes, and plan to add all that very soon.
I am biased toward the written word? Either way let's dive in, okay, here is what I am eager to share today. This article provides great background and insight to the science behind 1 inch web material:
Our team knows it's just the way it is in the industrial strap business sector that business owners like us have to network and build out our connections each and every workweek. I was at our neighborhood Chamber of Commerce meeting last month and met a new member recently relocated from the west coast. He's recently performed closely with automotive webbing matters in the American Fiber Manufacturers Association, Inc. (AFMA).
Yes, for those who are loyal followers of my post, this is the part where I come out and disclose that I had barely ever knew anything substantial about the Plastics Industry Trade Association (PITA). Again, yes, this is embarrassing, I know... but at least I'm getting on top of it now. Either way, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to share an overview with you all ...just in case there were a few of you may be curious about the PITA.
Citation / Source: https://www.plasticsindustry.org/aboutspi/?navItemNumber=1009
Founded in 1937, SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association promotes growth in the $427 billion U.S. plastics industry. Representing nearly one million American workers in the third largest U.S. manufacturing industry, SPI delivers advocacy, market research, industry promotion, and the fostering of business relationships and zero waste strategies. SPI also owns and produces the international NPE trade show. All profits from NPE are reinvested into SPI’s industry services. Find SPI online at www.plasticsindustry.org and www.inthehopper.org.
"From resin suppliers and equipment makers to processors and brand owners, SPI is proud to represent all facets of the U.S. plastics industry," said William R. Carteaux, president and CEO, SPI. "Our most recent economic reports show that the plastics industry as a whole is resilient, and has come through the recession significantly better than other U.S. manufacturing sectors."
A bit of a teaser, but, these are the news items I thought were worth mentioning
: )
Have a look at this page if you'd like to read more:
Citation / Source: https://www.plasticsindustry.org/AboutSPI/NewList.cfm?navItemNumber=1112
-- House Committee Moves Resolution to Block Persuader Rule — May 26, 2016
The House Committee on Education and the Workforce approved a resolution, H. J. Res. 87, to block the implementation of the new Department of Labor’s “persuader” rule under the Congressional Review Act.
-- Obama Administration Announces Significant Changes to the Overtime Rule — May 26, 2016
The Department of Labor (DOL) released its final overtime rule to be used in determining whether or not executive, administrative and professional (“EAP”) employees are exempt from overtime pay.
-- Highlights from the 2016 North American Flexible Film & Bag Conference — May 25, 2016
The 2016 North American Flexible Film & Bag Conference wrapped up this month in Houston after providing dozens of industry professionals with cutting edge insights into the world of plastic wraps and films.
-- Plastics Industry Applauds MTB Passage — May 20, 2016
The $427-billion U.S. plastics industry applauded President Barack Obama after he signed H.R. 4923, the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016, into law Friday. The bill establishes a new Miscellaneous Tariff Bill process that America’s manufacturers can use to avoid having to pay tariffs on imported products of which there’s no suitable U.S.-based supplier.
-- American Progressive Bag Alliance to Submit Signatures to Qualify Environmental Fee Protection Act Initiative — May 19, 2016
The initiative would direct all money generated or collected under a state law that mandates consumer charges for carryout bags to an environmental fund, rather than to grocers’ profits.
-- SPI Welcomes First General Counsel, Kiran Mand — May 19, 2016
SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association announced this week the appointment of Kiran Mand as its first-ever general counsel.
-- OSHA Issues Final Rule to “Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses” — May 16, 2016
Effective January 1, 2017, certain employers will be required to electronically submit to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) the injury and illness records they are currently required to keep under existing OSHA regulations.
-- OSHA Releases Background Materials for Potential Rulemaking Activity on Process Safety Management (PSM) — May 16, 2016
Background and supporting materials provided to the Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) Panel for the rulemaking are now available to the public in the rulemaking docket.
-- California Initiates Online Environmental Complaint System — May 9, 2016
The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) launched an online tool to make it easier for the public to report environmental problems anywhere in the state from their smartphones, tablets and computers.
-- Plastics Industry is Pleased with House Passage of Miscellaneous Tariff Bill — May 2, 2016
On Wednesday, April 27th the House of Representatives passed H.R. 4923, the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016. Commonly referred to as the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB), this legislation outlines the process by which the International Trade Commission (ITC) and Congress shall receive, consider and approve duty suspensions and reductions.
-- SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association Concludes Inaugural Re|focus Summit & Expo — April 28, 2016
Yesterday, SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association concluded its inaugural Re|focus Recycling Summit & Expo which included prominent speakers from the plastics, recycling, food, beverage and consumer products industries.
I'll wrap it up there, even though -- as you can see -- there are so many more topics we could dig into about this association. You're 100% welcome to visit their site and dig deeper. Feel free to read their library of truly interesting content.
Since webbing manufacturer work is my professional life, I did a bit of a dig about on their website, and it made me remember a textbook that I loved from university days. So up I went into my attic storage, and pulled down all five cardboard crates full of notebooks, engineering posters, magazines, and books.
I sought this one because of some of my notes related to the previous site. This is fundamental to our digital era, and, I've benefited a lot from getting up to speed on this manufacturing process, so I recommend this site highly.
Citation / Source: http://www.iasa-web.org/magnetic-tape-decomposition/polyester-urethanes
Polyester-urethanes are formed by reacting carboxylic acid and an alcohol to produce esters and water. This esterification reaction is reversible by a process of hydrolysis, in which water and esters are consumed, whilst acid and alcohol are produced (Fig.3). Being a reversible reaction, it is an equilibrium equation; in the presence of a certain moisture concentration, i.e. airborne humidity. polyesters will evolve or consume water from the surroundings until an equilibrium is reached.
The PE-U in tape binders are typically cross-linked co-polymers. The chains are arranged in lattice-shaped structures joined by ester linkages. These aliphatic esters which number roughly 5 or 10 times as many as the polyurethanes are much more prone to hydrolyse than the PET substrate.
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Just one more, since this is a little one, and no post would be complete with out a strange article like this. I know a lot of sales professionals who love to share odd stories like this, so I highly recommend you check it out:
Citation / Source: http://schwartz.eng.auburn.edu/polyester/revival.html
The polyester leisure suit--a cliche that has outworn the fashion itself. When polyester was first introduced it was a coveted fabric used only in the most expensive garments. By the late 60s and early 70s, however, it became synonymous with cheap to buy and cheaply made--not to mention all of the horrendous colors that polyester suits were being made out of!
In 1980, the Tennessee Eastman Company began a campaign to revive polyester's image. They called it the "yes" in polYESter campaign and advertised through radio and television media. The Man-Made Fiber Producer's Association's (MMFPA) Polyester Fashion Council followed suit (no pun intended) and launched a similar campaign to help shed polyester's bad image. They focused on polyester's wash and go properties instead of trying to sell it as a cheap fabric.
(Interested? Be sure to follow our link, noted above, to see more!)
Interesting info, I'm sure you agree, yes? Yes, of course! Narrow fabric seat belt web is what it's really all about, am I right? That's the one fabric we all have in common. To be direct, if you're not in our vertical market, then this entire article is likely something you'll need to just send to a different department, right?
Believe it or not, we have even more to share on our main site. When you're ready for better details, click this little link: Narrow material.
To be clear, one fast wrap-up note -- if I may -- today's insights come from simple dialogs at a networking meeting. You can get the same results by taking the same actions. In fact, you can get solid business insights by making opportunities to talk with business professionals in your area today.
My guys have more articles prepared to share quite soon. Please stay tuned!
In case we have not yet said it, "Cheers" for following our blog and sending us your comments on this info.
Let me say -- to remind you :-) -- I very much appreciate this venue in which we can share exciting articles like this, and open our minds to the history of commercial fabrics like narrow seat belt webbing.
This passion about online investigations and uncovering secrets posted by the world’s most clever people is nearly boundless (especially when my assistant and I get together and start talking about the history, science, and amazingly diverse applications of our product lines!).
We're looking forward to all you can share there.
To be bold, be sure to note if you are open to do a guest post about poly web material or web strapping. We'd appreciate it if you could better help explain these concepts with a few pictures of narrow fabric seat belt web.
*Hey* Listen, for those who got a lot out of the information I shared here today, will you do me a kind favor and be honest as to how much it is in line with your interests?
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