We have even more -- let me be honest, my friends -- to share on our branded site. So if you'd love better detailed content, then tap on the one right here: 1 inch web material.
Okay, let's get into it:
Yes my friends, I am your commercial fabrics guy, and I have yet more insightful applications of textiles to lay on you. Are you new to this group? Well then, Hello! Roger Howard here, I'm your quirky blogger, ready to share all we uncovered this week.
1 inch web material is what I'm all about, so it may be a bit of a surprise to you that I only found two topics of interest: polyester manufacturer and webbing manufacturer.
As always, if you prefer to watch videos, that's no problem! I'm building a list of relevant videos that will give a bit more depth and insight to commercial fabric manufacturing processes, and plan to include those in my posts in the coming days.
I have to say that I prefer the written word (because I like to study this type of material line by line, and take notes on how I’ll add new options for our clients' real-world webbing applications!).
That's enough delay, right? So here is what I am eager to share today. This article provides great background and insight to the science behind 2-inch webbing roll:
It's just the way it is in the automotive webbing industry that businessmen like us have to network and build out our connections each and every month. I was at our territorial Chamber of Commerce meeting last month and met a new member recently relocated from the west coast. He's recently worked closely with polyester distributor matters in the American Fiber Manufacturers Association, Inc. (AFMA).
Citation / Source: www.fibersource.com/afma/afma.htm
The Exclusive Source of Information on Manufactured Fibers
The American Fiber Manufacturers Association, Inc. (AFMA) is the trade association for U.S. companies that manufacture synthetic and cellulosic fibers. The industry employs 27 thousand people and produces over 6 billion pounds of fiber in the U.S. Annual domestic sales exceed $8 billion. The membership is limited to U.S. producers that sell manufactured fiber in the open market.
The Association maintains close ties to other manufactured fiber trade associations worldwide.
AFMA has been in continuous operation since 1933, when it was established as the Rayon Institute with headquarters in New York. As new fibers entered the market, the Association was renamed the Man-Made Fiber Producers Association. In 1970, operations were moved to Washington as the focus grew from promotion to include advocacy on a broad range of regulatory and international trade issues. The current name for the Association was adopted in 1988.
The Association's Board of Directors is made up of senior executives from each of AFMA's member companies. Most AFMA programs are managed through committees and task groups of policy and technical experts from the companies. Permanent standing committees include the Trade and Statistics Committee, and the Technical Committee. The Technical Committee has task groups dealing with: Product Stewardship, Regulatory Affairs, Technical Communications, Toxicology, Product Flammability, and International Technical Affairs.
AFMA's statistics division, the Fiber Economics Bureau (FEB), collects and publishes trade and production data on the manufactured fiber industry. The FiberSource site is maintained by FEB.
AFMA offices are located at 3033 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22201. We can be reached by phone at 703-875-0432; by FAX at 703-875-0907; and by Email.
I'll wrap it up there, even though -- as you can see -- there are so many more topics we could dig into about this association. You're 100% welcome to visit their site and dig deeper. Feel free to read their library of truly interesting content.
Since seatbelt webbing work is my professional life, I did a bit of a dig about on their website, and it made me remember a textbook that I loved from university days. So up I went into my attic storage, and pulled down all five cardboard crates full of notebooks, engineering posters, magazines, and books.
I specifically sought out this one because it came to mind while reading the previous site. This is fundamentation to our industrial webbing vertical market, and, to be honest, I've benefited a lot from networking with people in this AMPEF association, and recommend it highly.
Citations / Sources found on this domain www.ampef.com
When the world thinks of plastic films, it thinks of PET.
The global Association of Manufacturers of Polyester Film (AMPEF) welcomes you to our site. As a non-profit-making organization, our primary purpose is to inform and educate manufacturers, suppliers, end-users, and guests through our site about polyester (PET, PETF and BOPET) film and to encourage its use as a solution for a variety of markets throughout the world.
Within our pages, you will find general information on polyester packaging, specialty industrial, magnetic, metalized, and plastic and polymer-based applications, as well as details on our association's recycling and returnables programs. You will also find information on AMPEF's members and officers.
At AMPEF, our mission is to:
Promote the use of polyester film, while focusing on sustainable growth and environmental "greenness;"
Communicate and promote awareness about AMPEF and its activities;
Seek solutions to issues of general interest to all members, including health and safety and environmental topics;
Collate and disseminate overall industry statistics and other industry information, including industry news and developments; and
Improve communication within the industry, and its suppliers, customers, and consumers.
The object of the association, in the general interest and in all countries, is to:
Encourage the development, continuous improvement, and use of polyester film;
Study and understand the polyester film market;
Seek solutions to problems, particularly with respect to governmental standards and technical regulations;
Collect historical information and statistical data on polyester film; and
Maintain relationships with all similar organizations—public or private.
Polyester Film Applications
Packaging: Food packaging general uses, film for flexible pouches, peel-able seals, lids, snacks, barrier films, can laminations, and vacuum insulation panels
Industrial & Specialties: Hot stamping foil, release films, photo resist films, metallic yarns, adhesive tapes, plastic cards (including "smart" cards), labels, lamination films, brightness enhancement films (computer screens), solar/safety window films, medical test strips, and miscellaneous uses
Electrical: Motor wire and cable, transformer insulation films, capacitors, thermal printing tapes, membrane touch switches (computer and calculator keyboards), and flexible printed circuit films
Imaging: Microfilm, printing and pre-press films,color proofing, printing plates, drawing office drafting film, overhead transparencies, X-ray films, instant photos, business graphics, and wide format displays
Magnetics: Videotape, audio cassette tape, floppy disks, and advanced high-density computer storage media
Just one more, since this is a big one, and no commercial association overview would be complete with out it. This group is essential to our industrial webbing industry, and I know a lot of sales professionals who share leads through this association, so I highly recommend it.
Citation / Source www.plasticsindustry.org/aboutspi/?navItemNumber=1009
Founded in 1937, SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association promotes growth in the $427 billion U.S. plastics industry. Representing nearly one million American workers in the third largest U.S. manufacturing industry, SPI delivers advocacy, market research, industry promotion, and the fostering of business relationships and zero waste strategies. SPI also owns and produces the international NPE trade show. All profits from NPE are reinvested into SPI’s industry services.
"From resin suppliers and equipment makers to processors and brand owners, SPI is proud to represent all facets of the U.S. plastics industry," said William R. Carteaux, president and CEO, SPI. "Our most recent economic reports show that the plastics industry as a whole is resilient, and has come through the recession significantly better than other U.S. manufacturing sectors."
The association is structured to meet the diverse needs of the entire plastics industry. As SPI prepares for the future, member engagement in formulating strategy, developing priorities and supplying expertise is critical to our success. From the Executive Board to our three sector Councils (Equipment, Material Suppliers and Processors) and the variety of product/policy committees and self-funded groups, there is a strong foundation already in place to build SPI's new business blueprint.
To see up to date news, visit the site to read articles like these:
Plastics Industry Applauds MTB Passage
May 20, 2016
The $427-billion U.S. plastics industry applauded President Barack Obama after he signed H.R. 4923, the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016, into law Friday. The bill establishes a new Miscellaneous Tariff Bill process that America’s manufacturers can use to avoid having to pay tariffs on imported products of which there’s no suitable U.S.-based supplier.
American Progressive Bag Alliance to Submit Signatures to Qualify Environmental Fee Protection Act Initiative
May 19, 2016
The initiative would direct all money generated or collected under a state law that mandates consumer charges for carryout bags to an environmental fund, rather than to grocers’ profits.
SPI Welcomes First General Counsel, Kiran Mand
May 19, 2016
SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association announced this week the appointment of Kiran Mand as its first-ever general counsel.
OSHA Issues Final Rule to “Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses”
May 16, 2016
Effective January 1, 2017, certain employers will be required to electronically submit to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) the injury and illness records they are currently required to keep under existing OSHA regulations.
Interesting info, I'm sure you agree, yes? Yes, of course! Two-inch seat belt webbing material is what it's really all about, am I right? That's the one fabric we all have in common. To be direct, if you're not in our vertical market, then this entire article is likely something you'll need to just send to a different department, right?
Let me be honest, my friends, we have even more to share on our main site. When you're ready for better details, take a peek here: 1 inch web material.
To be clear, before we finish this post -- let me explain -- today's insights come from simple dialogs at a networking meeting. You can get the same results by taking the same actions. In fact, you can get solid business insights by making opportunities to talk with business professionals in your area today.
Our love for online research and uncovering secrets and hidden bits posted by the world’s most clever people is nearly boundless (especially when my assistant and I get together and start talking about the history, science, and amazingly diverse applications of our product lines!).
Please be sure to tell us what you love too!
Since my assistant and I have more articles in the queue nearly ready to share in the days to come, so stay tuned!
If we have not yet said it, "Many thanks" for following our blog and sending us your comments and insights on this info.
Once again, I very much appreciate this venue in which we can share exciting articles like this, and open our minds to the history of commercial fabrics like narrow seat belt webbing.
*Hey* Listen, if you loved the information I shared here today, will you do me a kind favor and be honest as to how much it is in line with your interests?
To be bold, be sure to note if you are open to do a guest post about cargo webbing or supplier webbing. We'd appreciate it if you could better help explain these concepts with a few pictures of 2-inch webbing roll.
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